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"মুক্ত পাঠশালা" is an educational platform in Bangladesh that provides free video classes on various subjects for Bangladeshi students. Our aim is to make quality education accessible to all students regardless of their financial background. We believe that education is the key to a better future and everyone deserves an equal chance at it.

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"মুক্ত পাঠশালা" was founded with a mission to provide free education to all Bangladeshi students. Our approach is to create engaging and interactive video classes that cover a range of subjects from primary to higher secondary education. We strive to make our classes accessible to all students regardless of their location or economic status.


    Accessibility Quality Inclusivity Innovation Collaboration


"মুক্ত পাঠশালা" is run by a team of passionate educators and professionals who are dedicated to providing free education to Bangladeshi students. Our team consists of experienced teachers, content creators, and support staff who work together to deliver quality education to our students.

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